All sound effects in Rawhide Kid (Marvel 1955) #18 19 results found. | |
BAM! POW! POWRawhide Kid firing two revolvers Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAMRawhide Kid firing two revolvers Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "A Legend Is Born!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
BAROOMdynamite exploding Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
BOOMdynamite exploding, destroying a train track Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
CRASH!Rawhide Kid jumping through a window Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "A Legend Is Born!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
KAPOW!a train conductor firing a revolver Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
KAPOW! BANG POW! BAM BAM BAM BAM! BAM!townsfolk firing a multitude of revolvers and rifles Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] bam, bang, gun, gunshot, kapow, pow, revolver, rifle, shootout, western, [hide tags] |  |
OW!a gunfighter yelling in pain as a bullet hits his revolvers, disarming him Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "A Legend Is Born!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] bullet, disarm, gun, ow, pain, Rawhide Kid (Johnny Bart), revolver, shootout, verbal, western, yell, [hide tags] |  |
POF POF POF POF POF POF POF POF POF POFcandles being extinguished as a bullet passes by Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "A Legend Is Born!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] bullet, candle, chandelier, extinguish, fire, fly by, gun, poof, Rawhide Kid (Johnny Bart), revolver, western, wind, [hide tags] |  |
POW!Rawhide Kid firing a revolver Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
POW! BAM! KAPOWtrain guards firing rifles Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
POW! POW! POW!train robbers firing revolvers Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
POW KAPOWtrain guards firing rifles Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
SPAAANG!a bullet hitting a train robber's revolver, disarming him Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
SPAT! SPAT! SPAT!bullets striking a train Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
UGHH!a gunfighter grunting in pain as Rawhide Kid punches him in the stomach Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "A Legend Is Born!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
VIP! VIP!two bullets flying past Rawhide Kid Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
WHAAANGa bullet ricocheting Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "At the Mercy of Wolf Waco!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Jack Kirby [show tags] |  |
WHACK!an outlaw slapping a gang member Rawhide Kid (1955) #18 Marvel, October 1960 "The Midnight Raiders!" Lettered by: Artie Simek Written by: Stan Lee Pencilled by: Ross Andru [show tags] |  |