The Comic Book Sound Effect Database

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May 6, 2019Twitter

Another Marvel Silver Age month completed with the addition of 11 comics from July 1963! This month saw the first appearance of Doctor Strange in Strange Tales #110, but also the end of both Gunsmoke Western and Love Romances, the latter of which ended with a whimper as it had no sound effects in its final two issues. But don't be too sad for these series -- their cancellations made room in Marvel's printing schedule for two new books to soon debut -- Avengers and X-Men!

These books add 124 sound effects, bringing the total to 2,403 from 265 comics!

February 13, 2019Twitter

The 10 Marvel Comics from June 1963 have now been added to the database. It's a relatively light month, adding 57 sound effects to give us a total of 2,279 from 254 comics. I'm also already halfway done with the following month's books, so they'll be posted soon as well!

Pictures are the copyrighted material of their respective publishers or current rights holders. Used for nonprofit educational purposes.