The Comic Book Sound Effect Database

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September 30, 2017Twitter

The 12 Marvel Comics from March 1963 are now in the database, including the first appearance of Iron Man, and the first issue of Amazing Spider-Man! There's a total of 116 new sound effects, bringing the grand total to 1,794 from 214 comics.

You might also notice some minor cosmetic changes throughout the site, most notably the revised logo text.

August 11, 2017Twitter

The 10 Marvel Comics from February 1963 have been added to the database, putting us past the 200 mark! There are 94 new sound effects, bringing the total to 1,674. Quite a few of those new effects were thanks to the Impossible Man, who went "POP!" in practically every panel of his debut.

I've also redone the comic list page to be expandable by title, as it was getting a little unwieldy. The old version of the full list is still available, too.

Next month... Spider-Man and Iron Man!

July 4, 2017Twitter

About a year before Stan Lee and Jack Kirby launched Marvel's Silver Age in earnest, they revamped Western hero Rawhide Kid beginning in issue #17. I've now added the first eight issues from that run, to lead into where I began this site, with books from late 1961.

The new comics add 98 new sound effects to bring the total to 1,580.

March 21, 2017Twitter

I started this site with comics from November 1961, but with this update I go back a few months to finish off some series. Here is the missing first issue of Linda Carter, Student Nurse, as well as the rest of Amazing Adventures and Teen-Age Romance, completing the series under those titles.

The 13 new comics add 69 new sound effects (23 of them are just ♫), giving us a total of 1,482.

January 25, 2017Twitter

I've gone back to the early Marvel Silver Age, adding the 12 comics from January 1963. There's a total of 89 new sound effects, bringing the grand total to 1,413 from 171 comics.

The biggest highlight this month is the introduction of Paste-Pot Pete in Strange Tales #104 -- a villain made for sound effects!

Pictures are the copyrighted material of their respective publishers or current rights holders. Used for nonprofit educational purposes.