The Comic Book Sound Effect Database

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November 19, 2013Twitter

It's taken a lot longer than I would have liked, but I've finally completed the 10 Marvel Comics from June 1962! There are 58 new entries. This should be the last month of Marvel without any superhero books to speak of. I'm only two months away from Spider-Man and Thor!

I've also slightly adjusted the format of my descriptions, nothing anyone else would ever notice, but it took a little while.

Today's interesting note is a little more well-known, but I thought I'd include it since I did "Flash Thompson" a few months back. From Strange Tales #97: the first "appearances" of "Aunt May" and "Uncle Ben"!

September 30, 2013Twitter

I've added the 12 Marvel Comics from May 1962. There are 80 new entries, including Bruce Banner's first transformation into the Hulk!

This month's fun item is Stan Lee's response in a letter column explaining the title of Amazing Adult Fantasy to an underage reader. A bit condescending, a bit self-deprecating and misleading too! Amazing Adult really wasn't any different than Strange Tales or Tales of Suspense. And the marketing idea didn't work either -- the title dropped "Adult" three months later, as any Spider-Man fan knows.

September 6, 2013Twitter

I've added the 10 Marvel Comics from April 1962. There are 74 new entries!

So I'm going to assume Steve Ditko wasn't thinking too much when he created this risqué alien in Tales of Suspense #28. Or was he?

August 15, 2013Twitter

I've added the 12 Marvel Comics from March 1962. There are 81 new entries!

This month's neat feature: a little bit of Mad Men foresight from Stan Lee, and published right in the same time frame, too! From Love Romances #98:

August 12, 2013Twitter

After much debate with myself, I've decided to include music notes in the database. So I've gone back through the comics I've entered and found 11 new entries. I've also included cases where characters speak in pictograms.

Unlike the other entries that I spell out exactly, all musical notes will be under a simple "♫" for two reasons One, there are only limited types of notes I can enter as symbols, and two, many of these are unique scores and they could take up hundreds of spots on the FX list, and I didn't want that. Pictograms will be written out in [brackets].

Doing this added one more comic to the database that had previously been devoid of effects:

Meanwhile, I decided against including hearts floating around people. This database focuses on sound effects, and I think hearts are visual effects, so I don't think they have a place here. The same policy will go for the following visual effects that seem to surround characters' heads: steam, sweat, stars, and birds.

July 29, 2013Twitter

Nine new Marvel Comics from December 1962 have been added to the database. (There were no sound effects in Amazing Adult Fantasy #9) There are 72 new entires!

This month's interesting note comes from Patsy and Hedy #80, where the title characters go to extremes, all to win a date with Rock Hudson! Won't they be disappointed?

Win a date with Rock Hudson!

July 16, 2013Twitter

All the Marvel books from January 1962 have been added, including the first appearance of Hank Pym. There are 50 new entries from 11 comics (there were no sound effects in Love Romances #97).

Two cool things I noticed this month: First, here's Stan Lee using the same exact joke twice in the same month, first in Teen-Age Romance #85 and again in Love Romances #97.

Stan Lee uses the same joke twice in the same month

Think Lee had other things on his mind than romance comics at this time? As further proof, from Teen-Age Romance #85, the first appearance of "Flash Thompson," seven months before Amazing Fantasy #15!

Flash Thompson prototype in Teen-Age Romance 85

July 7, 2013Twitter

Here are the rest of the Marvel books from December 1961. Amazing Adult Fantasy #7 did not contain any sound effects. I've made a page listing books I've checked but which provided nothing to add to the database.

There are 30 new entries, and I've also reached a landmark 100th sound effect, the CLICK CLICK to the right.

This doesn't have a sound effect, but I found it notable... a Martian named Jonn in a Marvel comic! From Strange Tales #91:

Jonn, a martian in Strange Tales 91

July 4, 2013Twitter

I've added about half of the Marvel books from December 1961. It took a little while to research the supporting characters names in the teen books so I could tag them. 26 new entries!

I noticed a fun little crossover between Marvel's teen humor books this month. Back in the day, Marvel asked readers to send in their fashion designs for their girly books. Then Marvel would print the readers' names next to their designs.

In Kathy #14, Kathy and her rival Liz are competing to have their fashions appear in Marvel's other magazines. In the story, Kathy gets hers published in Patsy and Hedy #79, while Liz's fashion is printed in Patsy Walker #98. And sure enough, in the actual comics printed this month, both P&H #79 and PW #98 contain fashions "submitted" by "Kathy Carter" and "Liz Hilton!"

Kathy fashions in Patsy Walker

In the same month, Kathy also met Millie the Model in Life with Millie #14. A very neat piece of synergy before there was any concept of a cohesive Marvel universe!

July 1, 2013Twitter

Welcome to The Comic Book Sound Effect Database. I've been building this website for about five weeks, and it's to a good point where I can start concentrating on adding content.

I've begun by adding Marvel's 12 comics from November 1961, the month that saw the release of Fantastic Four #1. I'm going to keep adding Marvel comics month-by-month at least through Jack Kirby's time there ended in 1970. Then I'll likely switch to other Silver Age comics. Here are the first 12 comics in the database:

Pictures are the copyrighted material of their respective publishers or current rights holders. Used for nonprofit educational purposes.